Journal Publications:
- Qiangyu Pei, Yongjie Yuan, Haichuan Hu, Lin Wang, Dong Zhang, Bingheng Yan, Chen Yu, and Fangming Liu*, “Working Smarter Not Harder: Hybrid Cooling for Deep Learning in Edge Datacenters”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2025.
- Junming Wang, Dong Huang, Xiuxian Guan, Zekai Sun, Tianxiang Shen, Fangming Liu, and Heming Cui, “OMEGA: Efficient Occlusion-Aware Navigation for Air-Ground Robot in Dynamic Environments via State Space Model”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024.
- Jiahai Hu, Lin Wang, Jing Wu, Qiangyu Pei, Fangming Liu*, and Bo Li, “A Comparative Measurement Study of Cross-Layer 5G Performance under Different Mobility Scenarios”, Computer Networks, 2024.
- Jiake Tian, Yi Zou, Jiale Lai, and Fangming Liu*, “mmDigit: A Real-Time Digit Recognition Framework in Air-Writing Using FMCW Radar”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact Factor: 8.2), 2024.
- Zheng Shi, Yi Zou, Xianfeng Song, Shupeng Li, Fangming Liu, and Quan Xue, “DyLaClass: Dynamic Labeling Based Classification for Optimal Sparse Matrix Format Selection in Accelerating SpMV”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2024.
- Aodong Chen, Fei Xu, Li Han, Yuan Dong, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “Opara: Exploiting Operator Parallelism for Expediting DNN Inference on GPUs”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2024.
- Junming Wang, Zekai Sun, Xiuxian Guan, Tianxiang Shen, Dong Huang, Zongyuan Zhang, Tianyang Duan, Fangming Liu, and Heming Cui, “HE-Nav: A High-Performance and Efficient Navigation System for Aerial-Ground Robots in Cluttered Environments”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024.
- Zhaojie Wen, Qiong Chen, Quanfeng Deng, Yipei Niu, Zhen Song, and Fangming Liu*, “ComboFunc: Joint Resource Combination and Container Placement for Serverless Function Scaling with Heterogeneous Container”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2024.
- Fei Xu, Xiyue Shen, Shuohao Lin, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, Fen Xiao, and Fangming Liu, “Tetris: Scheduling Long-Running Workloads for Load Balancing in Shared Containerized Clusters”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024.
- Zhaojie Wen, Qiong Chen, Yipei Niu, Zhen Song, Quanfeng Deng, and Fangming Liu*, “Joint Optimization of Parallelism and Resource Configuration for Serverless Function Steps”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2024.
- Jing Wu, Lin Wang, Qirui Jin, and Fangming Liu*, “Graft: Efficient Inference Serving for Hybrid Deep Learning with SLO Guarantee via DNN Re-alignment”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023.
- Fangming Liu*, and Yipei Niu, “Demystifying the Cost of Serverless Computing: Towards a Win-Win Deal”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023.
- Fei Xu, Jianian Xu, Jiabin Chen, Li Chen, Ruitao Shang, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “iGniter: Interference-Aware GPU Resource Provisioning for Predictable DNN Inference in the Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023.
- Tingting Yang, Zhengqi Cui, Chenghui Peng, Jianjun Wu, Fangming Liu, and Yang Yang, “Integrated Communication and Computing Maritime Networks Design for Green Metaverse”, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2023.
- Jing Wu, Lin Wang, Qiangyu Pei, Xingqi Cui, Fangming Liu*, and Tingting Yang, “HiTDL: High-Throughput Deep Learning Inference at the Hybrid Mobile Edge”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022.
- Fangming Liu, Jian Chen, Qixia Zhang, and Bo Li, “Online MEC Offloading for V2V Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022.
- 徐子晨,李超,刘方明,陈全,冷静文,郑文立,杜子东,沈立,王玉皞,碳中和体系结构关键技术与系统研究发展报告,《CCF中国计算机科学技术发展报告》,2020-2021.
- Yipei Niu, Panpan Jin, Jian Guo, Yikai Xiao, Rong Shi, Fangming Liu*, Chen Qian, and Yang Wang, “PostMan: Rapidly Mitigating Bursty Traffic via On-demand Offloading of Packet Processing”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
- Shutong Chen, Lei Jiao, Fangming Liu*, and Lin Wang, “EdgeDR: An Online Mechanism Design for Demand Response in Edge Clouds”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021.
- Qixia Zhang, Fangming Liu*, and Chaobing Zeng, “Online Adaptive Interference-aware VNF Deployment and Migration for 5G Network Slice”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2021.
- Bin Gao, Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Fei Xu, and Bo Li, “An Online Framework for Joint Network Selection and Service Placement in Mobile Edge Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021.
- Fei Xu, Yiling Qin, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “λDNN: Achieving Predictable Distributed DNN Training with Serverless Architectures”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021.
- Xincai Fei, Fangming Liu*, Qixia Zhang, Hai Jin, and Hongxin Hu, “Paving the Way for NFV Acceleration: A Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions”, ACM Computing Surveys, 2020.
- 刘方明, 姜炜祥. 绿色数据中心“新基建”如何更“Cool”, CCCF (中国计算机学会通讯), 2020年第6期.
- Qiong Chen, Zimu Zheng, Chuang Hu, Dan Wang, and Fangming Liu*, “On-Edge Multi-Task Transfer Learning: Model and Practice With Data-Driven Task Allocation”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 31, No. 6, Jun. 2020.
- Xiaomeng Yi, Li Pan, Yanqi Jin, Fangming Liu*, and Minghua Chen, “eDirect: Energy-Efficient D2D-Assisted Relaying Framework for Cellular Signaling Reduction”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 28, No. 2, Apr. 2020.
- Zimu Zheng, Qiong Chen, Cheng Fan, Nan Guan, Arun Vishwanath, Dan Wang, and Fangming Liu, “An Edge Based Data-Driven Chiller Sequencing Framework for HVAC Electricity Consumption Reduction in Commercial Buildings”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2020.
- Xiuxiu Wang, Yipei Niu, Fangming Liu*, and Zichen Xu, “When FPGA Meets Cloud: A First Look at Performance”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020.
- Yi Li, Fangming Liu*, Qiong Chen, Yibing Sheng, Miao Zhao, and Jianping Wang, “MarVeLScaler: A Multi-View Learning based Auto-Scaling System for MapReduce”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020.
- Xincai Fei, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, and Bo Li, “FlexNFV: Flexible Network Service Chaining with Dynamic Scaling”, IEEE Network Magazine, 2020.
- 周知, 刘方明*. “面向多租户数据中心资源回收利用的能效激励机制”, 中国科学: 信息科学, 2019.(CCF A类)
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Shutong Chen, Zongpeng Li, “A Truthful and Efficient Incentive Mechanism for Demand Response in Green Datacenters”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019.
- Song Wu, Yang Chen, Xinhou Wang, Hai Jin, Fangming Liu, Haibao Chen, Chuxiong Yan, “Precise Power Capping for Latency-Sensitive Applications in Datacenter”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2019.
- Youshi Wang, Fa Zhang, Ce Chi, Shaolei Ren, Fangming Liu, Rui Wang, Zhiyong Liu, “A Market-oriented Incentive Mechanism for Emergency Demand Response in Colocation Data Centers”, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Vol. 22, pp. 13-25, Jun. 2019.
- Shutong Chen, Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Zongpeng Li, Shaolei Ren, “CloudHeat: An Efficient Online Market Mechanism for Datacenter Heat Harvesting”, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), Vol. 3, No. 3, Aug. 2018.
- Zhaojie Niu, Bingsheng He, and Fangming Liu, “JouleMR: Towards Cost-Effective and Green-Aware Data Processing Frameworks”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Vol. 4, No. 2, Jun. 2018.
- Tao Wang, Fangming Liu*, Hong Xu, “An Efficient Online Algorithm for Dynamic SDN Controller Assignment in Data Center Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 25, No. 5, Oct. 2017.
- Xiaomeng Yi, Fangming Liu*, Di Niu, Hai Jin, John C.S.Lui, “Cocoa: Dynamic Container-based Group Buying Strategies for Cloud Computing”, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2017.
- Fangming Liu, Jian Guo, Xiaomeng Huang, John Lui, “eBA: Efficient Bandwidth Guarantee under Traffic Variability in Datacenters”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 25, No. 1, Feb., 2017.
- Guoming Tang, Weixiang Jiang, Zhifeng Xu, Fangming Liu*, Kui Wu, “NIPD: Non-Intrusive Power Disaggregation in Legacy Datacenters”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.66, no.2, 2017.
- Fangming Liu, Bin Luo, Yipei Niu, “Cost-Effective Service Provisioning for Hybrid Cloud Applications”, ACM/Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2017.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Zongpeng Li, “Bilateral Electricity Trade Between Smart Grids and Green Datacenters: Pricing Models and Performance Evaluation”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Series on Green Communications and Networking, Volume: 34, Issue: 12 Pages: 3993 - 4007, December 2016.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Ruolan Zou, Jiangchuan Liu, Hong Xu, Hai Jin, “Carbon-aware Online Control of Geo-Distributed Cloud Services”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 27, Issue 9, September 2016.
- Jian Guo, Fangming Liu*, John Lui, Hai Jin, “Fair Network Bandwidth Allocation in IaaS Datacenters via a Cooperative Game Approach”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Volume 24, Issue 2, April 2016.
- Hong Zhang, Hongbo Jiang, Bo Li, Fangming Liu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, and Jiangchuan Liu, “A Framework for Truthful Online Auctions in Cloud Computing with Heterogeneous User Demands”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 65, Issue 3, March 2016.
- Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, “Heterogeneity and Interference-Aware Virtual Machine Provisioning for Predictable Performance in the Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 65, Issue 8, August 2016.
- Fangming Liu, Peng Shu, John Lui, “AppATP: An Energy Conserving Adaptive Mobile-Cloud Transmission Protocol”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, no. 11, Nov. 2015.
- Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, “Managing Performance Overhead of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing: A Survey, State of Art and Future Directions”, ESI Highly Cited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE (Impact Factor: 10.694, the most highly-cited general interest journal in electrical engineering and computer science), vol. 102, no. 1, Jan. 2014.
- Fangming Liu, Zhi Zhou, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hongbo Jiang, “On Arbitrating the Power-Performance Tradeoff in SaaS Clouds”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 10, 2014.
- Xiaomeng Yi, Fangming Liu*, Jiangchuan Liu, Hai Jin, “Building a Network Highway for Big Data: Architecture and Challenges”, IEEE Network Magazine (Impact Factor: 3.72), Special Issue on Networking for Big Data, vol.28, no.4, July-August 2014. (The latest comprehensive survey on Networking Perspectives for Big Data in the literature)
- Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Linghui Liu, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Baochun Li, “iAware: Making Live Migration of Virtual Machines Interference-Aware in the Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 63, no. 12, 2014.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Dan Li, “Harnessing Renewable Energy in Cloud Datacenters: Opportunities and Challenges”, IEEE Network Magazine (Impact Factor: 3.72), vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2014. (The newest survey on Green Datacenters with Renewable Energy)
- Fangming Liu, Peng Shu, Hai Jin, Linjie Ding, Jie Yu, Di Niu, Bo Li, “Gearing Resource-Poor Mobile Devices with Powerful Clouds: Architecture, Challenges and Applications”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (Impact Factor: 8.972, ranking Top#1 for impact and citations in Telecommunications according to the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports), Special Issue on Mobile Cloud Computing, vol. 20, no. 3, June, 2013. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
- Fangming Liu, Shijun Shen, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hai Jin, “Cinematic-Quality VoD in a P2P Storage Cloud: Design, Implementation and Measurements”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Emerging Technologies in Communications, vol.31, no.9, pp.214-226, August 2013.
- Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hai Jin, “Peer-Assisted On-Demand Streaming: Characterizing Demands and Optimizing Supplies”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 351-361, Feb. 2013.
- Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Lili Zhong, Baochun Li, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, “Flash Crowd in P2P Live Streaming Systems: Fundamental Characteristics and Design Implications”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1227-1239, July 2012.
- Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Peng Yin, Hai Jin, “Network-Aware Task Assignment for MapReduce Applications in Shared Clusters”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.16 No.2, 2015.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Haikun Liu, “Reliability-aware Server Consolidation for Balancing Energy-Lifetime Tradeoff in Virtualized Cloud Datacenters”, International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), 2014.
- Fangming Liu, Peng Shu, “eTime: Energy-Efficient Mobile Cloud Computing for Rich-Media Applications”, IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter (IEEE Communications Society, Multimedia Communications Technical Committee), vol. 8, no. 1, January 2013.
- Jie Dai, Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Jiangchuan Liu, “Collaborative Caching in Wireless Video Streaming Through Resource Auctions”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) special issue on Cooperative Networking Challenges and Applications, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 458-466, February 2012.
- Fangming Liu, Ye Sun, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Xinyan Zhang. “FS2You: Peer-Assisted Semi-Persistent Online Hosting at a Large Scale,” in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 1442-1457, October 2010.
- Jie Dai, Fangming Liu, and Bo Li, “The Disparity between P2P Overlays and ISP Underlays: Issues, Existing Solutions, and Challenges,” in IEEE Network Magazine (Impact Factor: 3.72) Special Issue on Network Science, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 36-41, November 2010.
- 邓维, 刘方明*, 金海, 李丹. “云计算数据中心的新能源应用:研究现状与趋势”, 计算机学报, Vol. 36, No. 3, Mar. 2013.(CCF A类)
- Yueming Hu, Yueju Xue, Qing Li, Fangming Liu, Gabriel Y. Keung, Bo Li, “The Sink Node Placement and Performance Implication in Mobile Sensor Networks”, in ACM/Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on New Advances in Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 230-240, April 2009.
- Fangming Liu*,Jian Guo,Jiangchuan Liu,Software Defined Networking: Technologies and Solutions toward an Open Network Eco-System,Science Foundation in China(《中国科学基金》英文版),国家自然科学基金委员会主办的综合指导性学术期刊,Vol. 25, No. 1, 42-56, 2017.
- 李丹,刘方明,郭得科,何源,黄小猛,软件定义的云数据中心网络基础理论与关键技术,电信科学,2014,30(6):48-59.(《2014中国计算机科学技术发展年度报告》专题报告之一,入选中国科协组织出版的学科3-5年权威性发展报告).
Conference Publications:
- Xinyi Zhang, Hanyu Zhao, Wencong Xiao, Xianyan Jia, Fei Xu, Yong Li, Wei Lin, and Fangming Liu, “Morphling: Exploiting Job Reconfigurability for Deep Learning Cluster Scheduling”, in Proc. of MLSys, 12-15 May, 2025, Santa Clara, USA.
- Yaxi Lu, Shenzhi Yang, Cheng Qian, Guirong Chen, Qinyu Luo, Yesai Wu, Huadong Wang, Xin Cong, Zhong Zhang, Yankai Lin, Weiwen Liu, Yasheng Wang, Zhiyuan Liu, Fangming Liu, and Maosong Sun, “Proactive Agent: Shifting LLM Agents from Reactive Responses to Active Assistance”, in Proc. of ICLR, 24-28 April, 2025, Singapore. (open source)
- Jing Wu, Lin Wang, Quanfeng Deng, Chen Yu, Dong Zhang, Bingheng Yan, and Fangming Liu*, “It Takes Two to Tango: Serverless Workflow Serving via Bilaterally Engaged Resource Adaptation”, in Proc. of IEEE IPDPS, June 3-7, 2025, Milan, Italy.
- Xiang Li, Yucheng Zhou, Laiping Zhao, Jing Li, and Fangming Liu*, “Impromptu cybercrime euphemism detection”, in the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), January 19–24, 2025, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Yifan Lu, Yigeng Zhou, Jing Li, Yequan Wang, Xuebo Liu, Daojing He, Fangming Liu, and Min Zhang, “Knowledge Editing with Dynamic Knowledge Graphs for Multi-hop Question Answering”, in Proc. of AAAI, February 25 – March 4, 2025, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Changlong Li, Zongwei Zhu, Chao Wang, Fangming Liu, Fei Xu, Xuehai Zhou, and Edwin Sha, “Archer: Adaptive Memory Compression with Page-Association-Rule Awareness for High-Speed Response of Mobile Devices”, in Proc. of USENIX FAST, February 25–27, 2025, Santa Clara, CA, USA.
- Zhi Zhou, Jiajie Xie, Mengke Huang, Tao Ouyang, Fangming Liu, and Xu Chen, “Towards Federated Inference: An Online Model Ensemble Framework for Cooperative Edge AI”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, 19–22 May, 2025, London, United Kingdom.
- Qiannan Zhou, Fei Xu, Linxuan Weng, Ruixing Li, Xudong Wu, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “Espresso: Cost-Efficient Large Model Training by Exploiting GPU Heterogeneity in the Cloud”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, 19–22 May, 2025, London, United Kingdom.
- Jiale Lai, Jiake Tian, Yi Zou, Xianfeng Song, Fangming Liu, and Dacheng Li, “mmHPE: Human Pose Estimation Based on Point Cloud from Millimeter-wave Radar”, in Proc. of IEEE SMC, 6-10 October, 2024, Kuching, Malaysia.
- Qiangyu Pei, Lin Wang, Dong Zhang, Bingheng Yan, Chen Yu, and Fangming Liu*, “InferCool: Enhancing AI Inference Cooling through Transparent, Non-Intrusive Task Reassignment”, in Proc. of ACM SoCC, November 20-22, 2024, Redmond, WA.
- Qiong Chen, Jianmin Qian, Yulin Che, Ziqi Lin, Jianfeng Wang, Jie Zhou, Licheng Song, Yi Liang, Jie Wu, Wei Zheng, Wei Liu, Linfeng Li, Fangming Liu*, and Kun Tan, “YuanRong: A Production General-purpose Serverless System for Distributed Applications in the Cloud”, in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, August 4–8, 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
- Zekai Sun, Xiuxian Guan, Junming Wang, Fangming Liu, and Heming Cui, “New Problems in Distributed Inference for DNN Models on Robotic IoT”, in ApPLIED’24 (Proceedings of the 2024 Workshop on Advanced Tools, Programming Languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems), June 17-21, 2024, Nantes, France.
- Guanqiao Qu, Zheng Lin, Qian Chen, Jian Li, Fangming Liu, Xianhao Chen, and Kaibin Huang, “TrimCaching: Parameter-sharing AI Model Caching in Wireless Edge Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, 23-26 July, 2024, New Jersey, USA.
- Jiabin Chen, Fei Xu, Yikun Gu, Li Chen, Fangming Liu, and Zhi Zhou, “HarmonyBatch: Batching multi-SLO DNN Inference with Heterogeneous Serverless Functions”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 19–21 June, 2024, Guangzhou, China.
- Yuming Feng, Weizhe Zhang, Zijun Feng, Xiaoxiong Zhong, and Fangming Liu, “An MTD-driven Hybrid Defense Method Against DDoS Based on Markov Game in Multi-controller SDN-enabled IoT Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 19–21 June, 2024, Guangzhou, China.
- Haichuan Hu, Fangming Liu*, Qiangyu Pei, Yongjie Yuan, Zichen Xu, and Lin Wang, “𝜆Grapher: A Resource-Efficient Serverless System for GNN Serving through Graph Sharing”, in Proc. of ACM WWW, acceptance ratio: 20.2%, 13-17 May, 2024, Singapore.
- Dou Feng, Lin Wang, Shutong Chen, Lingjing Dong, and Fangming Liu*, “X-Stream: A Flexible, Adaptive Video Transformer for Privacy-Preserving Video Stream Analytics”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.6%, 20-23 May, 2024, Vancouver, Canada.
- Qiangyu Pei, Yongjie Yuan, Haichuan Hu, Qiong Chen, and Fangming Liu*, “AsyFunc: A High-Performance and Resource-Efficient Serverless Inference System via Asymmetric Functions”, in Proc. of ACM SoCC, October 30-November 1, 2023, Santa Cruz, CA.
- Haichuan Hu, Zichen Xu, Yuhao Wang, and Fangming Liu, “Fast and Scalable Gate-level Simulation in Massively Parallel Systems”, in IEEE/ACM ICCAD, 2023.
- Aodong Chen, Fei Xu, Yuan Dong, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou and Fangming Liu, “Opara: Exploring Operator Parallelism for Expediting DNN Inference on GPUs”, in CCFSys, 2023. (DPCS Best Student Paper Award)
- Xinghan Wang, Xiaoxiong Zhong, Jiahong Ning, Tingting Yang, Yuanyuan Yang, Guoming Tang and Fangming Liu, “Two-Stage Coded Distributed Learning: A Dynamic Partial Gradient Coding Perspective”, IEEE ICDCS, 18-21 July, 2023, Hong Kong, China.
- Ruitao Shang, Fei Xu, Zhuoyan Bai, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “spotDNN: Provisioning Spot Instances for Predictable Distributed DNN Training in the Cloud”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 19–21 June, 2023, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Li Pan, Lin Wang, Shutong Chen, and Fangming Liu*, “Retention-aware Container Caching for Serverless Edge Computing”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.9%, 2-5 May 2022, Online Conference. (along with technical report)
- Zhaojie Wen, Yishuo Wang, and Fangming Liu*, “StepConf: SLO-Aware Dynamic Resource Configuration for Serverless Function Workflows”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.9%, 2-5 May 2022, Online Conference.
- Shutong Chen, Lin Wang, and Fangming Liu*, “Optimal Admission Control Mechanism Design for Time-Sensitive Services in Edge Computing”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.9%, 2-5 May 2022, Online Conference. (along with technical report)
- Qiangyu Pei, Shutong Chen, Qixia Zhang, Xinhui Zhu, Fangming Liu*, Ziyang Jia, Yishuo Wang, Yongjie Yuan, “CoolEdge: Hotspot-relievable Warm Water Cooling for Energy-efficient Edge Datacenters”, in Proc. of ACM ASPLOS, 80 out of 397 submissions (acceptance ratio: 20%), Feb 28-March 4, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Xinhui Zhu, Weixiang Jiang, Fangming Liu*, Qixia Zhang, Li Pan, Qiong Chen, and Ziyang Jia, “Heat to Power: Thermal Energy Harvesting and Recycling for Warm Water-Cooled Datacenters”, in Proc. of ACM/IEEE ISCA, 77 out of 421 submissions (acceptance ratio: 18%), May 30 - June 3, 2020, Valencia, Spain. (Video Presentation)
- Panpan Jin, Xincai Fei, Qixia Zhang, Fangming Liu*, and Bo Li, “Latency-aware VNF Chain Deployment with Efficient Resource Reuse at Network Edge”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.8%, 6-9 July, 2020, Online Conference.
- Miao Li, Qixia Zhang, and Fangming Liu*, “Finedge: A Dynamic Cost-efficient Edge Resource Management Platform for NFV Network”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, 15-17 June, 2020, Hangzhou, China.
- Weixiang Jiang, Ziyang Jia, Sirui Feng, Fangming Liu*, and Hai Jin, “Fine-grained Warm Water Cooling for Improving Datacenter Economy”, in Proc. of ACM/IEEE ISCA co-located with ACM FCRC (Federated Computing Research Conference), 62 out of 365 submissions (acceptance ratio: 16.9%), 22-26 June, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Lightning Talk Video on Youtube)
- Panpan Jin, Jian Guo, Yikai Xiao, Rong Shi, Yipei Niu, Fangming Liu*, Chen Qian, and Yang Wang, “PostMan: Rapidly Mitigating Bursty Traffic by Offloading Packet Processing”, in Proc. of USENIX ATC, 71 out of 356 submissions (acceptance ratio: 19.9%), 10-12 July, 2019, Renton, WA, USA.
- Qiong Chen, Zimu Zheng, Chuang Hu, Dan Wang, and Fangming Liu*, “Data-driven Task Allocation for Multi-task Transfer Learning on the Edge”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, acceptance ratio: 19.6%, 7-10 July, 2019, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Yikai Xiao, Qixia Zhang, Fangming Liu*, Jia Wang, Miao Zhao, Zhongxing Zhang, and Jiaxing Zhang, “NFVdeep: Adaptive Online Service Function Chain Deployment with Deep Reinforcement Learning”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, Best Paper Award, co-located with ACM FCRC (Federated Computing Research Conference), 24-25 June, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Haoyue Zheng, Fei Xu, Li Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Fangming Liu, “Cynthia: Cost-Efficient Cloud Resource Provisioning for Predictable Distributed Deep Neural Network Training”, in Proc. of ICPP (The 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing, one of the oldest continuously running computer science conferences in parallel computing in the world), August 5-8, 2019, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan.
- Wujie Shao, Fei Xu, Li Chen, Haoyue Zheng, and Fangming Liu, “Stage Delay Scheduling: Speeding up DAG-style Data Analytics Jobs with Resource Interleaving”, in Proc. of ICPP (The 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing, one of the oldest continuously running computer science conferences in parallel computing in the world), August 5-8, 2019, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan. (Open-source codes @ GitHub)
- Bin Gao, Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, and Fei Xu, “Winning at the Starting Line: Joint Network Selection and Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.7%, 29 April - 2 May 2019, Paris, France.
- Qixia Zhang, Fangming Liu*, and Chaobing Zeng, “Adaptive Interference-Aware VNF Placement for Service-Customized 5G Network Slices”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.7%, 29 April - 2 May 2019, Paris, France.
- Shutong Chen, Lei Jiao, Lin Wang, and Fangming Liu*, “An Online Market Mechanism for Edge Emergency Demand Response via Cloudlet Control”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.7%, 29 April - 2 May 2019, Paris, France. (along with technical report)
- Xiaoyao Li, Xiuxiu Wang, Fangming Liu*, Hong Xu, “DHL: Enabling Flexible Software Network Functions with FPGA Acceleration”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS (78 out of 378 submissions, acceptance ratio: 20%), Vienna, Austria, July 2-5, 2018. (Open-source codes @ GitHub)
- Weixiang Jiang, Shaolei Ren, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, “Non-IT Energy Accounting in Virtualized Datacenter”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS (78 out of 378 submissions, acceptance ratio: 20%), Vienna, Austria, July 2-5, 2018.
- Yipei Niu, Fangming Liu*, and Zongpeng Li, “Load Balancing across Microservices”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.2%, 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Chaobing Zeng, Fangming Liu*, Shutong Chen, Weixiang Jiang and Miao Li, “Demystifying the Performance Interference of Co-located Virtual Network Functions”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.2%, 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Xincai Fei, Fangming Liu*, Hong Xu and Hai Jin, “Adaptive VNF Scaling and Flow Routing with Proactive Demand Prediction”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, acceptance ratio: 19.2%, 15-19 April 2018, Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Zimu Zheng, Qiong Chen, Fan Chen, Nan Guan, Arun Vishwanath, Dan Wang, Fangming Liu, “Data Driven Chiller Sequencing for Reducing HVAC Electricity Consumption in Commercial Buildings”, in Proc. of ACM e-Energy (supported by ACM SIGCOMM Community), Best Paper Award, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2018.
- Jian Guo, Fangming Liu*, Tao Wang, and John C.S. Lui, “Pricing Intra-Datacenter Networks with Over-Committed Bandwidth Guarantee”, (Slides & Live Audio officially public, welcome download and post comments), in Proc. of USENIX ATC 2017 (one of the top system conferences, 60 accepted out of 283 submissions, HotCloud 2017 and HotStorage 2017 are co-located with USENIX ATC 2017), SANTA CLARA, CA, USA, July, 2017.
- Xincai Fei, Fangming Liu*, Hong Xu, and Hai Jin, “Towards Load-Balanced VNF Assignment in Geo-distributed NFV Infrastructure”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2017 (29 accepted out of 146 submissions, acceptance ratio: 19.9%), VILANOVA I LA GELTRU, SPAIN, June, 2017.
- Yipei Niu, Fangming Liu*, Xincai Fei, and Bo Li, “Handling Flash Deals with Soft Guarantee in Hybrid Cloud”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, (double-blind review), Atlanta, GA, USA, May, 2017.
- Qixia Zhang, Yikai Xiao, Fangming Liu*, John C.S. Lui, Jian Guo and Tao Wang, “Joint Optimization of Chain Placement and Request Scheduling for Network Function Virtualization”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2017.
- Weixiang Jiang, Fangming Liu*, Guoming Tang, Kui Wu and Hai Jin, “Virtual Machine Power Accounting with Shapley Value”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2017.
- Yanqi Jin, Fangming Liu*, Xiaomeng Yi, and Minghua Chen, “Reducing Cellular Signaling Traffic for Heartbeat Messages via Energy-Efficient D2D Forwarding”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2017.
- Tao Wang, Hong Xu, and Fangming Liu*, “Multi-Resource Load Balancing for Virtual Network Functions”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2017.
- Tao Wang, Hong Xu, and Fangming Liu, “Aemon: Information-agnostic Mix-flow Scheduling in Data Center Networks”, in The First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet), Hong Kong, August, 2017.
- Youshi Wang, Fa Zhang, Shaolei Ren, Fangming Liu, Rui Wang, Zhiyong Liu, “Energy Efficiency in Colocation Data Centers: A Joint Incentive Mechanism Approach “, in The 8th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), Orlando, Florida, USA, October 23-25, 2017.
- Tao Wang, Fangming Liu*, Jian Guo, and Hong Xu, “Dynamic SDN Controller Assignment in Data Center Networks: Stable Matching with Transfers”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, (Acceptance ratio: 18.25%, Double-blind review), San Francisco, CA, USA, April, 2016.
- Xiaomeng Yi, Fangming Liu*, Zongpeng Li, and Hai Jin, “Flexible Instance: Meeting Deadlines of Delay Tolerant Jobs in The Cloud with Dynamic Pricing”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, (68 accepted out of 386 submissions, acceptance ratio: 17%), Nara, Japan, June, 2016.
- Zhifeng Xu, Fangming Liu*, Tao Wang, and Hong Xu, “Demystifying the Energy Efficiency of Network Function Virtualization”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, Best Paper Candidate, perhaps the 1st study on energy aspect of NFV in the literature, (only 27 are accepted as Full Papers, which results in an acceptance rate of 20.6%), Beijing, June, 2016.
- Guangyuan Wu, Fangming Liu*, Haowen Tang, Keke Huang, Qixia Zhang, Zhenhua Li, Ben Y. Zhao, and Hai Jin, “On the Performance of Cloud Storage Applications with Global Measurement”, in Proc. of IEEE/ACM IWQoS, (only 27 are accepted as Full Papers, which results in an acceptance rate of 20.6%), Beijing, June, 2016.
- Zhaojie Niu, Bingsheng He, and Fangming Liu, “Not All Joules are Equal: Towards Energy-Efficient and Green-Aware Data Processing Frameworks”, in Proc. of IEEE IC2E 2016 (IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering), Best Paper Runner-Up, April 4-8, Berlin, Germany, 2016.
- Haowen Tang, Fangming Liu*, Jacky Shen, Yuchen Jin, and Chuanxiong Guo, “UniDrive: Synergize Multiple Consumer Cloud Storage Services”, in Proc. of ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2015, (ONLY 23 accepted out of 120 submissions), December, Vancouver, Canada, 2015. (real-working system open download @ GitHub)
- Guoming Tang, Weixiang Jiang, Zhifeng Xu, Fangming Liu*, and Kui Wu, “Zero-Cost, Fine-Grained Power Monitoring of Datacenters Using Non-Intrusive Power Disaggregation”, in Proc. of ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2015, (ONLY 23 accepted out of 120 submissions), December, Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
- Tan Zhang, Xian Zhang, Fangming Liu*, Hongkun Leng, Qian Yu, and Guanfeng Liang, “eTrain: Making Wasted Energy Useful by Utilizing Heartbeats for Mobile Data Transmissions”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, (Acceptance ratio: 12.8%, 70 accepted out of 543 submissions), June-July, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2015.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, and Zongpeng Li, “Pricing Bilateral Electricity Trade between Smart Grids and Hybrid Green Datacenters”, in Proc. of ACM SIGMETRICS, poster paper (only 57 papers, including 25 poster papers, were accepted among 239 submissions), June, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2015.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Zongpeng Li, and Hai Jin, “When Smart Grid Meets Geo-distributed Cloud: An Auction Approach to Datacenter Demand Response”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (double-blind review with Acceptance ratio: 19%), April-May, Hong Kong, 2015.
- Yipei Niu, Bin Luo, Fangming Liu*, Jiangchuan Liu, and Bo Li, “When Hybrid Cloud Meets Flash Crowd: Towards Cost-Effective Service Provisioning”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (double-blind review with Acceptance ratio: 19%), April-May, Hong Kong, 2015.
- Bin Luo, Yipei Niu, and Fangming Liu*, “Cost Effective Service Provisioning for Hybrid Cloud Applications”, in The 11th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2015) (newly promoted to CCF C class), Wuhan, China, Nov. 9-12 2015.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hai Jin, Ruolan Zou, and Zhiyong Liu, “Fuel Cell Generation in Geo-Distributed Cloud Services: A Quantitative Study”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, (Acceptance ratio: 13%, only 66 accepted out of over 500+ submissions), June-July, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
- Shuopeng Zhang, Di Niu, Yaochen Hu, and Fangming Liu, “Server Selection and Topology Control for Multi-Party Video Conferences”, in Proc. of ACM NOSSDAV, March, Singapore, 2014.
- Jian Guo, Fangming Liu*, Xiaomeng Huang, John C.S. Lui, Mi Hu, Qiao Gao, and Hai Jin, “On Efficient Bandwidth Allocation for Traffic Variability in Datacenters”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Acceptance ratio: 19%), April, Toronto, 2014.
- Jian Guo, Fangming Liu*, Haowen Tang, Yingnan Lian, Hai Jin, John C.S. Lui, “Falloc: Fair Network Bandwidth Allocation in IaaS Datacenters Via a Bargaining Game Approach”, in Proc. of IEEE ICNP (only 46 accepted out of 251 submissions worldwide), October, Goettingen, Germany, 2013.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Yong Xu, Ruolan Zou, Hong Xu, John C.S. Lui, Hai Jin, “Carbon-aware Load Balancing for Geo-distributed Cloud Services”, in Proc. of IEEE MASCOTS (only 44 accepted out of 163 submissions worldwide), August, San Francisco, USA, 2013.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Chuan Wu, Xue Liu, “MultiGreen: Cost-Minimizing Multi-source Datacenter Power Supply with Online Control”, in Proc. of ACM e-Energy (organized by ACM SIGCOMM Community), UC Berkeley, May 2013.
- Zhi Zhou, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hongbo Jiang, “On Arbitrating the Power-Performance Tradeoff in SaaS Clouds”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Acceptance ratio: 17%), April, Italy, 2013.
- Jian Guo, Fangming Liu*, Dan Zeng, John C.S. Lui, Hai Jin, “A Cooperative Game Based Allocation for Sharing Data Center Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Acceptance ratio: 17%), April, Italy, 2013.
- Peng Shu, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Min Chen, Feng Wen, Yupeng Qu, Bo Li, “eTime: Energy-Efficient Transmission between Cloud and Mobile Devices”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Mini-conference, Acceptance ratio: 25%), April, Italy, 2013.
- Hong Zhang, Bo Li, Hongbo Jiang, Fangming Liu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Jiangchuan Liu, “A Framework for Truthful Online Auctions in Cloud Computing with Heterogeneous User Demands”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Acceptance ratio: 17%), April, Italy, 2013.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Chuan Wu, “SmartDPSS: Cost-Minimizing Multi-source Power Supply for Datacenters with Arbitrary Demand”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS’2013 (Acceptance ratio: 13%, only 61 accepted out of 484 submissions), Philadelphia, USA, July, 2013.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, “Online Control of Datacenter Power Supply Under Uncertain Demand and Renewable Energy”, in Proc. of IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
- Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Dekang Zhu, Hai Jin, “Boosting MapReduce with Network-Aware Task Assignment”, in Proc. of ICST CLOUDCOMP, October, Wuhan, China, 2013.
- Saumay Pushp, Chi Harold Liu, Fangming Liu, Junehwa Song, “Multi-Player Gaming in Public Transport Crowd: Opportunities and Challenges”, in IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), March, Seoul, South Korea, 2014.
- Wei Deng, Fangming Liu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Haikun Liu, “Lifetime or Energy: Consolidating Servers with Reliability Control in Virtualized Cloud Datacenters”, Best Paper Nominee, in Proc. of IEEE CloudCom, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2012.
- Jie Dai, Bo Li, Fangming Liu, Baochun Li, Jiangchuan Liu, “Collaborative Caching for Video Streaming among Selfish Wireless Service Providers”, Best Paper Award (one of the 14 best papers among 1070 papers), in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, Texas, USA, September 2011.
- Hao Yin, Heungsun Chang, Fangming Liu, Tongyu Zhan, Ying Zhang, Bo Li, “Discovering a Large-scale Internet Topology: Complementary and Contrast View”, Best Paper Award, in Proc. of 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC-2012), Liverpool, UK, June 2012.
- Fangming Liu, Shijun Shen, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hao Yin, and Sanli Li, “Novasky: Cinematic-Quality VoD in a P2P Storage Cloud”, in IEEE INFOCOM, (Acceptance rate: 15.96%), April, 2011.
- Jie Dai, Bo Li, Fangming Liu, Baochun Li, and Hai Jin, “On the Efficiency of Collaborative Caching in ISP-aware P2P Networks”, in IEEE INFOCOM, (Acceptance rate: 15.96%), April 2011.
- Fangming Liu, Ye Sun, Bo Li, Baochun Li, “Quota: Rationing Server Resources in Peer-Assisted Online Hosting Systems,” in IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), (36 accepted out of 197 submissions), Princeton, New Jersey, October 13-16, 2009.
- Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Lili Zhong, Baochun Li, and Di Niu, “How Do P2P Streaming Systems Scale Over Time Under a Flash Crowd”, in International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), (20% acceptance rate), Boston, MA, USA, April 21, 2009.
- Ye Sun, Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Baochun Li, and Xinyan Zhang, “FS2You: Peer-Assisted Semi-Persistent Online Storage at a Large Scale”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, (282 accepted out of 1,435 submissions), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
- Fangming Liu, Ye Sun, Bo Li, and Xinyan Zhang, “Understanding the Roles of Servers in Large-scale Peer-Assisted Online Storage Systems”, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- Ye Sun, Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Baochun Li, “Peer-Assisted Online Storage and Distribution: Modeling and Server Strategies”, in International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (ACM NOSSDAV), Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, June 2009.
- Fangming Liu, Bo Li, Lili Zhong, and Baochun Li, “Understanding the Flash Crowd in P2P Live Video Streaming Systems,” (invited paper) in International Packet Video Workshop (PV), SEATTLE, WA, USA, May 11-12, 2009.
- Bo Li, Gabriel Y. Keung, Susu Xie, Fangming Liu, Ye Sun, and Hao Yin, “An Empirical Study of Flash Crowd Dynamics in a P2P-based Live Video Streaming System”, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2008.
- Yueming Hu, Qing Li, Fangming Liu, Gabriel Y. Keung and Bo Li, “A Preliminary Study of Information Collection in a Mobile Sensor Network”, in Proc. of ICST QShine 2008, Hong Kong SAR, July 2008.
Technical Reports:
- Qiangyu Pei, Shutong Chen, Yongjie Yuan, Qixia Zhang, Xinhui Zhu, Ziyang Jia, Fangming Liu*, “Cooling as You Wish: Component-Level Cooling for Heterogeneous Edge Datacenters”.
- Fangming Liu*, Qiangyu Pei, Shutong Chen, Yongjie Yuan, Lin Wang, Max Mühlhäuser, “When the Metaverse Meets Carbon Neutrality: Ongoing Efforts and Directions”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10235, 2023.